The old adage about the best made plans of mice and man oft times going astray were in full force in my world this morning.
Not being in the top 100,000 individuals when it comes to doing other than normal tasks on the computer, I ended up in a muddle. The blog I had planned for today has been put on the back burner for next week and I was so looking forward to sharing his story. There! At least you know it deals with a male.
Today I had to work with a new vocabulary filled with browsers (and I wasn't looking for a sale), cookies (not one Oreo or Fig Newton) and cached images I didn't know I possessed and still don't know what they mean.
Followed all the instructions to the letter only to find I could not sign on to either of my email accounts, Facebook or Twitter unless I had my passwords. I could remember one. Had to think up a new one for Facebook, which took time because everything I typed in was considered "weak." thought about using "semtexboom" but thought if I did some government agency would have my house surrounded by dinner time.
By now who in their right mind could get in the groove to work on their current manuscript. I couldn't. Soooooo, will have lunch and hope for the best and get back to writing later.
Have a great day!
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