Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lost arts

Better late than never doing my blog this week. However, working on revisions for a new book takes the majority of my time and thinking ability. :)

Wanted to share something with y'all that made me realize the times they are a changin'.

The heel lift on my favorite lavender shoes split and I know it will be difficult to find another pair I like as well as these so I took them to the shoe repair shop. I love my shoemaker (although I don't verbalize this feeling to him or his wife). Each time I go they explain, in Italian accented English, that manufacturers use "cheap" plastic lifts, not good leather. This explanation is accompanied by one of them removing the lifts from both shoes with their fingers and being told that they do quality work, which they do. That's why I go there.

I also go there for another reason. It is like stepping into the past. There's no technology other than machine tools of their trade. No computers. When you drop off the item they write down your phone number, the color of the shoe and what's to be done on a slip of paper. Then the paper is taped to the counter and you are told the cost and when to pick them up.

For some reason, maybe nostalgia, I always leave there with a smile on my face knowing progress doesn't change everybody.

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