Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Busy week

This has been one of those weeks when you meet yourself coming and going and don't have time to stop and say hello. But I do love staying busy, well maybe not quiet this busy because it cuts down on my reading and research time to the point where I've had to revert to the stove timer.

Stove timers are handy gadgets, especially if you read multiple books at a time. If they are "tomes" such as historical diaries, I tend to set the timer for 15 minutes. If it is a book for a book club that is not a page turner the time is reduced to 10 minutes.

Then there is the one I can't wait to get back to, which, at this time is The Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon. I am on my third read for that series. Of course it was prompted by the TV series of the same name. Now I can put a face to Jamie Frasier when I'm reading. Oh, I do like the character of Clair, Frank, her husband in this time has my sympathy, but his ancestor, Jonathan Randall is odious. However, Jamie is the one who holds my interest. Even with all of his flaws he can make the heart beat a bit faster.

So despite the computer problems at work, trying to catch up on the word count in present work in progress and attending various functions, I know that Jamie Frasier is waiting for me at the end of a wicked hard day.

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