Saturday, May 23, 2009

Here I am up to my eyeballs in work getting ready for the book tour. That didn't stop me from having one of those crazy days last week.

First of all I wanted to start writing early, but first I had to read the comics. Well, yeah, that was a bit of delay. I mean how can you start your day without reading For Better or Worse, Hagar, Shoe and Pickles. I mean come on, that can be your spring board to the day.

While on my way to the computer I realized I had to run the vacuum because of all the dog hair. Hey, we love our pets but...of course, that meant that after I did that I had to give the floor a quick mop because neither hubby or the pups know how to wipe their feet. As any Floridian knows, that is a must during the rainy season, especially if there isn't any grass in the dog run (that problem was taken care of today).

After that I had to do a quick email check...hold on, we're almost there because I had to play a game of free cell...well maybe four.

Finally pulled up my work in progress when I remembered I forgot the empty my walled of change. that's when I discovered I couldn't find my Library of Congress card. So I had to go look for it. I mean no one wants to misplace their Library of Congress card. That was when I remembered it as in a drawer in my bedroom. Isn't that where everybody keeps their LOC card????

Well, I couldn't go up stairs empty handed, now could I? So I had to stop and fold the pile of clothes on the dryer. I couldn't leave them there or the ghost of my mother would have haunted me for at least a month so I had put them away.

Be still my beating heart and know that I eventually made it to the computer and made some progress.

So how was your day?

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